Spaying and Neutering
Spaying and Neutering Veterinary Service In Dawsonville, GA
Having your pet spayed or neutered can greatly improve the quality & longevity of your pet’s life.
Spaying and Neutering
Spaying and Neutering
Spaying and neutering is a simple and effective way to help control the pet population. By spaying or neutering your pet, you are preventing them from having unwanted litters of puppies or kittens.
Each year, there are millions of pets that end up in shelters because they are not spayed or neutered. This number could be greatly reduced if more pet owners took responsibility for spaying or neutering their animals. In addition to helping control the pet population, spaying and neutering has health benefits for your animal.
Spayed and neutered animals are less likely to roam, which reduces their risk of being hit by a car or getting into fights with other animals. They are also less likely to develop certain types of cancer. At Dawsonville Veterinary Hospital, we offer spaying and neutering services for dogs and cats of all ages. We understand that spaying and neutering is an important decision for pet owners, and we will take the time to answer any questions you may have. We also strive to make spaying and neutering your pet affordable. Call us today with any questions you may have or read below to see if your question has already been answered!
What's the distinction between neutering and spaying pets?
When a female dog or cat is spayed, the veterinarian typically also removes her uterus in addition to her ovaries. A female dog’s or cat’s heat cycle is eliminated and she is no longer able to procreate thanks to spaying. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) states that typically, behavior associated with breeding impulses will end, although this isn’t always the case for all cats and dogs.
The procedure is also referred to as an ovariohysterectomy (when the uterus and ovaries are both removed). This procedure is secure and successful.
Why should I get my pet fixed or spayed?
Unwanted dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens are overflowing animal shelters around the nation. Approximately 6.5 million animals enter the shelter or rescue system each year, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Only 3.2 million of those 6.5 million animals are thought to find their way from a shelter or rescue and into a household.
Spaying and neutering decreases the number of undesired litters, which in turn lowers the quantity of unwanted pets or strays that need to be rescued or placed in shelters.
When should your pet be spayed or neutered?
The conventional age for this procedure is between 4 and 6 months. But according to our team, “each individual owner should discuss their specific situations with their personal vets”. The timing of spaying and neutering might depend on a number of things.
Contact us for any questions you may have regarding these processes.